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Writer's picturePatricia

Does Art Equals To Money?

Art is a way to express yourself. Products of it mostly contain the emotions of the artist. Thus, many are passionate towards it. However, only few pursue this, because there is a never-ending stereotype regarding pursuing art; which is, there is no money in art.

In the Philippines, the perception of “there is no money in art” is instilled in the minds of our countrymen. Though, they do not realize that most of them are the one who often spends their money on art. They just don’t realize that the things they buy are considered art; like clothes, shoes, and etc. Because they are not informed that there are many kinds of art.

Moreover, it is unfortunate that in our country, art is not considered as a job or career; it is perceived as merely a hobby. Unlike pursuing medicine to become a doctor; which is what most people considered as a real job or career. But pursuing art is also a job or career, as you can earn from it.

Likewise, Aylih Astillero is a living example that the stereotype “there is no money in art” is false. She is an art student that stops her studies because of the pandemic, and now has a small business; which she sells her artworks, like stickers and commission artworks for her clients. Alongside, she also shares her journey in earning from her art; “I started my business recently. At first, I’m not interested to start a business. I’ve started taking interest when my college classmates influenced me to sell my artworks and make stickers out of it. Additionally, my parents encouraged me to pursue my business while I’m not attending school. Nevertheless, I can make and save money, and do what I love at the same time”.

Since it is proven that the stereotype against art is just an opinion and not a fact. It is the time where you should pursue the things you are most passionate about, regardless of the things that people will say about it. Because at the end of the day, though you are earning a big amount of money through your chosen job or career. But if you don’t like your job or career, you will eventually become exhausted, that it can affect your well-being.

Furthermore, the stereotype “there is no money in art” shouldn’t be a reason to stop you from pursuing your dreams in becoming an artist, because like what Astillero said, “money is not the only basis of making art it is also the satisfaction I got after finishing the art I’ve made”.

Money is important, as it is used to buy necessities and luxuries. But when it comes to pursuing your passion in art, money is the least of your concerns. As making art is not about money in the first place, because art is the way an artist expresses him/herself.


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